


  • Long handle (not inlaid)

  • Long handle


MinQing HengDeLi Special Ceramics Co.,Ltd

       MinQing HengDeLi Ceramics Co.,Ltd is located in the first porcelain town of Fujian Province, China C hiyuan Town, Minqing City. The town rich in mineral resources and long history of ceramics is  the cradle of ceramics in Minqing. The transportation to our company where is 80km from the provincial capital Fuzhou is very convenient. Our company with 118 employees covers an area of 7,000 square  meters. As an indispensable harmony team with pioneer spirit, our company with strong production and  development capabilities is an integrated manufacturer of porcelain, porcelain assembly, fine porcelain  handles and special high-temperature ceramics. The wide ranges of high quality and unique products  are sold home and abroad, and won the trust and praise from customers.  


  • 01 Industrial ceramics

    Industrial Ceramics Production Industrial Ceramics Processing Industrial Ceramics Applications

  • 02 Constant pulse ceramic production capacity

    Ceramics have good insulating properties, corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance. Large size forming blank process Precision mechanical ceramic processing Large size sintering furnace capacity

  • 03 Performance data of ceramic materials

    We according to different work environment, the choice suits your application condition of ceramic material, and on this basis for parts shape and size differences adopt the corresponding preparation technology, satisfy your customized requirements from two aspects. Alumina ceramics has good insulation, adiabatic and abrasion resistance. Zirconia ceramics usually have high mechanical strength and fracture toughness and have good corrosion resistance. Silicon nitride has better mechanical strength and thermal shock resistance, insulation, abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance.

联系我们: 平和县| 双鸭山市| 临安市| 满城县| 屯留县| 三亚市| 青神县| 辽宁省| 泸定县| 裕民县| 兴隆县| 定襄县| 奈曼旗| 古交市| 神农架林区| 高阳县| 石首市| 宜川县| 中阳县| 昌图县| 昆山市| 许昌市| 恩平市| 石渠县| 前郭尔| 百色市| 锦屏县| 万宁市| 秦皇岛市| 双江| 静安区| 平乐县| 广水市| 康乐县| 武乡县| 郑州市| 保定市| 阿巴嘎旗| 孙吴县| 鲁甸县| 惠来县|